• Overview



Provides NgZone-based change detection for the application bootstrapped using bootstrapApplication.



Provides NgZone-based change detection for the application bootstrapped using bootstrapApplication.

NgZone is already provided in applications by default. This provider allows you to configure options like eventCoalescing in the NgZone. This provider is not available for platformBrowser().bootstrapModule, which uses BootstrapOptions instead.

@paramoptionsNgZoneOptions | undefined


Provides NgZone-based change detection for the application bootstrapped using bootstrapApplication.

NgZone is already provided in applications by default. This provider allows you to configure options like eventCoalescing in the NgZone. This provider is not available for platformBrowser().bootstrapModule, which uses BootstrapOptions instead.

Usage Notes

bootstrapApplication(MyApp, {providers: [  provideZoneChangeDetection({eventCoalescing: true}),]});
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