A structural directive that conditionally includes a template based on the value of
an expression coerced to Boolean.
When the expression evaluates to true, Angular renders the template
provided in a then
clause, and when false or null,
Angular renders the template provided in an optional else
clause. The default
template for the else
clause is blank.
The Boolean expression to evaluate as the condition for showing a template.
TemplateRef<NgIfContext<T>> | null
A template to show if the condition expression evaluates to true.
TemplateRef<NgIfContext<T>> | null
A template to show if the condition expression evaluates to false.
Assert the correct type of the expression bound to the ngIf
input within the template.
The presence of this static field is a signal to the Ivy template type check compiler that
when the NgIf
structural directive renders its template, the type of the expression bound
to ngIf
should be narrowed in some way. For NgIf
, the binding expression itself is used to
narrow its type, which allows the strictNullChecks feature of TypeScript to work with NgIf
A structural directive that conditionally includes a template based on the value of
an expression coerced to Boolean.
When the expression evaluates to true, Angular renders the template
provided in a then
clause, and when false or null,
Angular renders the template provided in an optional else
clause. The default
template for the else
clause is blank.
A shorthand form of the directive,
, is generally used, provided
as an attribute of the anchor element for the inserted template.
Angular expands this into a more explicit version, in which the anchor element
is contained in an <ng-template>
Simple form with shorthand syntax:
<div *ngIf="condition">Content to render when condition is true.</div>
Simple form with expanded syntax:
<ng-template [ngIf]="condition"><div>Content to render when condition istrue.</div></ng-template>
Form with an "else" block:
<div *ngIf="condition; else elseBlock">Content to render when condition is true.</div><ng-template #elseBlock>Content to render when condition is false.</ng-template>
Shorthand form with "then" and "else" blocks:
<div *ngIf="condition; then thenBlock else elseBlock"></div><ng-template #thenBlock>Content to render when condition is true.</ng-template><ng-template #elseBlock>Content to render when condition is false.</ng-template>
Form with storing the value locally:
<div *ngIf="condition as value; else elseBlock">{{value}}</div><ng-template #elseBlock>Content to render when value is null.</ng-template>
Exported by
Usage Notes
The *ngIf
directive is most commonly used to conditionally show an inline template,
as seen in the following example.
The default else
template is blank.
@Component({ selector: 'ng-if-simple', template: ` <button (click)="show = !show">{{ show ? 'hide' : 'show' }}</button> show = {{ show }} <br /> <div *ngIf="show">Text to show</div> `, standalone: false,})export class NgIfSimple { show = true;}
Showing an alternative template using else
To display a template when expression
evaluates to false, use an else
binding as shown in the following example.
The else
binding points to an <ng-template>
element labeled #elseBlock
The template can be defined anywhere in the component view, but is typically placed right after
for readability.
@Component({ selector: 'ng-if-else', template: ` <button (click)="show = !show">{{ show ? 'hide' : 'show' }}</button> show = {{ show }} <br /> <div *ngIf="show; else elseBlock">Text to show</div> <ng-template #elseBlock>Alternate text while primary text is hidden</ng-template> `, standalone: false,})export class NgIfElse { show = true;}
Using an external then
In the previous example, the then-clause template is specified inline, as the content of the
tag that contains the ngIf
directive. You can also specify a template that is defined
externally, by referencing a labeled <ng-template>
element. When you do this, you can
change which template to use at runtime, as shown in the following example.
@Component({ selector: 'ng-if-then-else', template: ` <button (click)="show = !show">{{ show ? 'hide' : 'show' }}</button> <button (click)="switchPrimary()">Switch Primary</button> show = {{ show }} <br /> <div *ngIf="show; then thenBlock; else elseBlock">this is ignored</div> <ng-template #primaryBlock>Primary text to show</ng-template> <ng-template #secondaryBlock>Secondary text to show</ng-template> <ng-template #elseBlock>Alternate text while primary text is hidden</ng-template> `, standalone: false,})export class NgIfThenElse implements OnInit { thenBlock: TemplateRef<any>| null = null; show = true; @ViewChild('primaryBlock', {static: true}) primaryBlock: TemplateRef<any>| null = null; @ViewChild('secondaryBlock', {static: true}) secondaryBlock: TemplateRef<any>| null = null; switchPrimary() { this.thenBlock = this.thenBlock === this.primaryBlock ? this.secondaryBlock : this.primaryBlock; } ngOnInit() { this.thenBlock = this.primaryBlock; }}
Storing a conditional result in a variable
You might want to show a set of properties from the same object. If you are waiting
for asynchronous data, the object can be undefined.
In this case, you can use ngIf
and store the result of the condition in a local
variable as shown in the following example.
@Component({ selector: 'ng-if-as', template: ` <button (click)="nextUser()">Next User</button> <br /> <div *ngIf="userObservable | async as user; else loading"> Hello {{ user.last }}, {{ user.first }}! </div> <ng-template #loading let-user>Waiting... (user is {{ user | json }})</ng-template> `, standalone: false,})export class NgIfAs { userObservable = new Subject<{first: string; last: string}>(); first = ['John', 'Mike', 'Mary', 'Bob']; firstIndex = 0; last = ['Smith', 'Novotny', 'Angular']; lastIndex = 0; nextUser() { let first = this.first[this.firstIndex++]; if (this.firstIndex >= this.first.length) this.firstIndex = 0; let last = this.last[this.lastIndex++]; if (this.lastIndex >= this.last.length) this.lastIndex = 0;{first, last}); }}
This code uses only one AsyncPipe
, so only one subscription is created.
The conditional statement stores the result of userStream|async
in the local variable user
You can then bind the local user
The conditional displays the data only if userStream
returns a value,
so you don't need to use the
safe-navigation-operator (?.
to guard against null values when accessing properties.
You can display an alternative template while waiting for the data.
Shorthand syntax
The shorthand syntax *ngIf
expands into two separate template specifications
for the "then" and "else" clauses. For example, consider the following shorthand statement,
that is meant to show a loading page while waiting for data to be loaded.
<div class="hero-list" *ngIf="heroes else loading"> ...</div><ng-template #loading> <div>Loading...</div></ng-template>
You can see that the "else" clause references the <ng-template>
with the #loading
label, and the template for the "then" clause
is provided as the content of the anchor element.
However, when Angular expands the shorthand syntax, it creates
another <ng-template>
tag, with ngIf
and ngIfElse
The anchor element containing the template for the "then" clause becomes
the content of this unlabeled <ng-template>
<ng-template [ngIf]="heroes" [ngIfElse]="loading"> <div class="hero-list"> ... </div></ng-template><ng-template #loading> <div>Loading...</div></ng-template>
The presence of the implicit template object has implications for the nesting of structural directives. For more on this subject, see Structural Directives.