• Overview



Formats a value according to digit options and locale rules. Locale determines group sizing and separator, decimal point character, and other locale-specific configurations.


    class DecimalPipe implements PipeTransform {




3 overloads
@paramvaluestring | number

The value to be formatted.

@paramdigitsInfostring | undefined

Sets digit and decimal representation. See more.

@paramlocalestring | undefined

Specifies what locale format rules to use. See more.

@returnsstring | null
@paramvaluenull | undefined
@paramdigitsInfostring | undefined
@paramlocalestring | undefined
@paramvaluestring | number | null | undefined
@paramdigitsInfostring | undefined
@paramlocalestring | undefined
@returnsstring | null


Formats a value according to digit options and locale rules. Locale determines group sizing and separator, decimal point character, and other locale-specific configurations.

Exported by

Usage Notes


The value's decimal representation is specified by the digitsInfo parameter, written in the following format:

  • minIntegerDigits: The minimum number of integer digits before the decimal point. Default is 1.

  • minFractionDigits: The minimum number of digits after the decimal point. Default is 0.

  • maxFractionDigits: The maximum number of digits after the decimal point. Default is 3.

If the formatted value is truncated it will be rounded using the "to-nearest" method:

{{3.6 | number: '1.0-0'}}<!--will output '4'-->{{-3.6 | number:'1.0-0'}}<!--will output '-4'-->


locale will format a value according to locale rules. Locale determines group sizing and separator, decimal point character, and other locale-specific configurations.

When not supplied, uses the value of LOCALE_ID, which is en-US by default.

See Setting your app locale.


The following code shows how the pipe transforms values according to various format specifications, where the caller's default locale is en-US.

@Component({  selector: 'number-pipe',  template: `<div>    <p>      No specified formatting:      {{ pi | number }}      <!--output: '3.142'-->    </p>    <p>      With digitsInfo parameter specified:      {{ pi | number: '4.1-5' }}      <!--output: '0,003.14159'-->    </p>    <p>      With digitsInfo and locale parameters specified:      {{ pi | number: '4.1-5' : 'fr' }}      <!--output: '0 003,14159'-->    </p>  </div>`,  standalone: false,})export class NumberPipeComponent {  pi: number = 3.14159265359;}
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