• Overview



Enables view transitions in the Router by running the route activation and deactivation inside of document.startViewTransition.



Enables view transitions in the Router by running the route activation and deactivation inside of document.startViewTransition.

Note: The View Transitions API is not available in all browsers. If the browser does not support view transitions, the Router will not attempt to start a view transition and continue processing the navigation as usual.

@paramoptionsViewTransitionsFeatureOptions | undefined


Enables view transitions in the Router by running the route activation and deactivation inside of document.startViewTransition.

Note: The View Transitions API is not available in all browsers. If the browser does not support view transitions, the Router will not attempt to start a view transition and continue processing the navigation as usual.

Usage Notes

Basic example of how you can enable the feature:

const appRoutes: Routes = [];bootstrapApplication(AppComponent,  {    providers: [      provideRouter(appRoutes, withViewTransitions())    ]  });
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