Function type definition for a data provider.
type ResolveFn<T> = ( route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot,) => MaybeAsync<T | RedirectCommand>
Function type definition for a data provider.
A data provider can be used with the router to resolve data during navigation. The router waits for the data to be resolved before the route is finally activated.
A resolver can also redirect a RedirectCommand
and the Angular router will use
it to redirect the current navigation to the new destination.
Usage Notes
The following example implements a function that retrieves the data needed to activate the requested route.
interface Hero { name: string;}@Injectable()export class HeroService { getHero(id: string) { return {name: `Superman-${id}`}; }}export const heroResolver: ResolveFn<Hero>= ( route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot,) => { return inject(HeroService).getHero(route.paramMap.get('id')!);};bootstrapApplication(App, { providers: [ provideRouter([ { path: 'detail/:id', component: HeroDetailComponent, resolve: {hero: heroResolver}, }, ]), ],});
And you can access to your resolved data from HeroComponent
@Component({template: ''})export class HeroDetailComponent { private activatedRoute = inject(ActivatedRoute); ngOnInit() {{hero}) => { // do something with your resolved data ... }); }}
If resolved data cannot be retrieved, you may want to redirect the user to a new page instead:
export const heroResolver: ResolveFn<Hero>= async ( route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot,) => { const router = inject(Router); const heroService = inject(HeroService); try { return await heroService.getHero(route.paramMap.get('id')!); } catch { return new RedirectCommand(router.parseUrl('/404')); }};
When both guard and resolvers are specified, the resolvers are not executed until all guards have run and succeeded. For example, consider the following route configuration:
{ path: 'base' canActivate: [baseGuard], resolve: {data: baseDataResolver} children: [ { path: 'child', canActivate: [childGuard], component: ChildComponent, resolve: {childData: childDataResolver} } ]}
The order of execution is: baseGuard, childGuard, baseDataResolver, childDataResolver.