Error Encyclopedia

Tracking expression caused re-creation of the DOM structure.

The identity track expression specified in the @for loop caused re-creation of the DOM corresponding to all items. This is very expensive operation that commonly occurs when working with immutable data structures, Example:

template: `
<button (click)="toggleAllDone()">All done!</button>
@for (todo of todos; track todo) {
export class App {
todos = [
{ id: 0, task: 'understand trackBy', done: false },
{ id: 1, task: 'use proper tracking expression', done: false },
toggleAllDone() {
this.todos = => ({ ...todo, done: true }));

In the provided example the entire list, with all the views (DOM nodes, Angular directives, components, queries etc.) are re-created (!) after toggling the "done" status of items. Here a relatively inexpensive binding update to the done property would suffice.

Apart from having high performance penalty, re-creating the DOM tree results in loss of state in the DOM elements (ex.: focus, text selection, sites loaded in an iframe etc.).

Fixing the error

Change the tracking expression such that it uniquely identifies an item in a collection, regardless of its object identity. In the discussed example the correct track expression would use the unique id property (

template: `
<button (click)="toggleAllDone()">All done!</button>
@for (todo of todos; track {
export class App {
todos = [
{ id: 0, task: 'understand trackBy', done: false },
{ id: 1, task: 'use proper tracking expression', done: false },
toggleAllDone() {
this.todos = => ({ ...todo, done: true }));