Event handling

Event handling enables interactive features on web apps. It gives you the ability as a developer to respond to user actions like button presses, form submissions and more.

In this activity, you'll learn how to add an event handler.

In Angular you bind to events with the parentheses syntax (). On a given element, wrap the event you want to bind to with parentheses and set an event handler. Consider this button example:

@Component({    ...    template: `<button (click)="greet()">`})class AppComponent {    greet() {        console.log('Hello, there 👋');    }}

In this example, the greet() function will run every time the button is clicked. Take note that the greet() syntax includes the trailing parenthesis.

Alright, your turn to give this a try:

  1. Add an event handler

    Add the onMouseOver event handler function in the AppComponent class. Use the following code as the implementation:

    onMouseOver() {    this.message = 'Way to go 🚀';}
  2. Bind to the template event

    Update the template code in app.component.ts to bind to the mouseover event of the section element.

    <section (mouseover)="onMouseOver()">

And with a few steps in the code you've created your first event handler in Angular. Seems like you are getting pretty good at this, keep up the good work.