Component Communication with @Input

Sometimes app development requires you to send data into a component. This data can be used to customize a component or perhaps send information from a parent component to a child component.

Angular uses a concept called Input. This is similar to props in other frameworks. To create an Input property, use the @Input decorator.

In this activity, you'll learn how to use the @Input decorator to send information to components.

To create an Input property, add the @Input decorator to a property of a component class:


class UserComponent {  @Input() occupation = '';}

When you are ready to pass in a value through an Input, values can be set in templates using the attribute syntax. Here's an example:


@Component({  ...  template: `<app-user occupation="Angular Developer"></app-user>`})class AppComponent {}

Make sure you bind the property occupation in your UserComponent.


@Component({  ...  template: `<p>The user's occupation is {{occupation}}</p>`})
  1. Define an @Input property

    Update the code in user.component.ts to define an Input property on the UserComponent called name. For now, set the initial value to empty string. Be sure to update the template to interpolate the name property at the end of the sentence.

  2. Pass a value to the @Input property

    Update the code in app.component.ts to send in the name property with a value of "Simran".

    When the code has been successfully updated, the app will display The user's name is Simran.

While this is great, it is only one direction of the component communication. What if you want to send information and data to a parent component from a child component? Check out the next lesson to find out.

P.S. you are doing great - keep going 🎉