Property Binding in Angular

Property binding in Angular enables you to set values for properties of HTML elements, Angular components and more.

Use property binding to dynamically set values for properties and attributes. You can do things such as toggle button features, set image paths programmatically, and share values between components.

In this activity, you'll learn how to use property binding in templates.

To bind to an element's attribute, wrap the attribute name in square brackets. Here's an example:

<img alt="photo" [src]="imageURL">

In this example, the value of the src attribute will be bound to the class property imageURL. Whatever value imageURL has will be set as the src attribute of the img tag.

  1. Add a property called isEditable

    Update the code in app.component.ts by adding a property to the AppComponent class called isEditable with the initial value set to true.

    export class AppComponent {    isEditable = true;}
  2. Bind to contentEditable

    Next, bind the contentEditable attribute of the div to the isEditable property by using the [] syntax.

    @Component({    ...    template: `<div [contentEditable]="isEditable"></div>`,})

The div is now editable. Nice work 👍

Property binding is one of Angular's many powerful features. If you'd like to learn more checkout the Angular documentation.