In-depth Guides

Custom events with outputs

Tip: This guide assumes you've already read the Essentials Guide. Read that first if you're new to Angular.

Angular components can define custom events by assigning a property to a new EventEmitter and adding the @Output decorator:

@Component({...})export class ExpandablePanel {  @Output() panelClosed = new EventEmitter<void>();}
<expandable-panel (panelClosed)="savePanelState()" />

You can emit an event by calling the emit method on the EventEmitter:


Angular refers to properties marked with the @Output decorator as outputs. You can use outputs to pass data to other components, similar to native browser events like click.

Angular custom events do not bubble up the DOM.

Output names are case-sensitive.

When extending a component class, outputs are inherited by the child class.

Emitting event data

You can pass event data when calling emit:

// You can emit primitive values.this.valueChanged.emit(7);// You can emit custom event objectsthis.thumbDropped.emit({  pointerX: 123,  pointerY: 456,})

When defining an event listener in a template, you can access the event data from the $event variable:

<custom-slider (valueChanged)="logValue($event)" />

Customizing output names

The @Output decorator accepts a parameter that lets you specify a different name for the event in a template:

@Component({...})export class CustomSlider {  @Output('valueChanged') changed = new EventEmitter<number>();}
<custom-slider (valueChanged)="saveVolume()" />

This alias does not affect usage of the property in TypeScript code.

While you should generally avoid aliasing outputs for components, this feature can be useful for renaming properties while preserving an alias for the original name or for avoiding collisions with the name of native DOM events.

Specify outputs in the @Component decorator

In addition to the @Output decorator, you can also specify a component's outputs with the outputs property in the @Component decorator. This can be useful when a component inherits a property from a base class:

// `CustomSlider` inherits the `valueChanged` property from `BaseSlider`.@Component({  ...,  outputs: ['valueChanged'],})export class CustomSlider extends BaseSlider {}

You can additionally specify an output alias in the outputs list by putting the alias after a colon in the string:

// `CustomSlider` inherits the `valueChanged` property from `BaseSlider`.@Component({  ...,  outputs: ['valueChanged: volumeChanged'],})export class CustomSlider extends BaseSlider {}

Choosing event names

Avoid choosing output names that collide with events on DOM elements like HTMLElement. Name collisions introduce confusion about whether the bound property belongs to the component or the DOM element.

Avoid adding prefixes for component outputs like you would with component selectors. Since a given element can only host one component, any custom properties can be assumed to belong to the component.

Always use camelCase output names. Avoid prefixing output names with "on".