Tip: This guide assumes you've already read the Essentials Guide. Read that first if you're new to Angular.
A component's lifecycle is the sequence of steps that happen between the component's creation and its destruction. Each step represents a different part of Angular's process for rendering components and checking them for updates over time.
In your components, you can implement lifecycle hooks to run code during these steps. Lifecycle hooks that relate to a specific component instance are implemented as methods on your component class. Lifecycle hooks that relate the Angular application as a whole are implemented as functions that accept a callback.
A component's lifecycle is tightly connected to how Angular checks your components for changes over time. For the purposes of understanding this lifecycle, you only need to know that Angular walks your application tree from top to bottom, checking template bindings for changes. The lifecycle hooks described below run while Angular is doing this traversal. This traversal visits each component exactly once, so you should always avoid making further state changes in the middle of the process.
Phase | Method | Summary |
Creation | constructor |
Standard JavaScript class constructor . Runs when Angular instantiates the component. |
Change Detection |
Runs once after Angular has initialized all the component's inputs. |
ngOnChanges |
Runs every time the component's inputs have changed. | |
ngDoCheck |
Runs every time this component is checked for changes. | |
ngAfterContentInit |
Runs once after the component's content has been initialized. | |
ngAfterContentChecked |
Runs every time this component content has been checked for changes. | |
ngAfterViewInit |
Runs once after the component's view has been initialized. | |
ngAfterViewChecked |
Runs every time the component's view has been checked for changes. | |
Rendering | afterNextRender |
Runs once the next time that all components have been rendered to the DOM. |
afterRender |
Runs every time all components have been rendered to the DOM. | |
Destruction | ngOnDestroy |
Runs once before the component is destroyed. |
The ngOnInit
method runs after Angular has initialized all the components inputs with their
initial values. A component's ngOnInit
runs exactly once.
This step happens before the component's own template is initialized. This means that you can update the component's state based on its initial input values.
The ngOnChanges
method runs after any component inputs have changed.
This step happens before the component's own template is checked. This means that you can update the component's state based on its initial input values.
During initialization, the first ngOnChanges
runs before ngOnInit
Inspecting changes
The ngOnChanges
method accepts one SimpleChanges
argument. This object is
a Record
mapping each component input name to a SimpleChange
object. Each SimpleChange
contains the
input's previous value, its current value, and a flag for whether this is the first time the input
has changed.
@Component({ /* ... */})export class UserProfile { @Input() name: string = ''; ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { for (const inputName in changes) { const inputValues = changes[inputName]; console.log(`Previous ${inputName} == ${inputValues.previousValue}`); console.log(`Current ${inputName} == ${inputValues.currentValue}`); console.log(`Is first ${inputName} change == ${inputValues.firstChange}`); } }}
If you provide an alias
for any input properties, the SimpleChanges
Record still uses the
TypeScript property name as a key, rather than the alias.
The ngOnDestroy
method runs once just before a component is destroyed. Angular destroys a
component when it is no longer shown on the page, such as being hidden by @if
or upon navigating
to another page.
As an alternative to the ngOnDestroy
method, you can inject an instance of DestroyRef
. You can
register a callback to be invoked upon the component's destruction by calling the onDestroy
of DestroyRef
@Component({ /* ... */})export class UserProfile { constructor(private destroyRef: DestroyRef) { destroyRef.onDestroy(() => { console.log('UserProfile destruction'); }); }}
You can pass the DestroyRef
instance to functions or classes outside your component. Use this
pattern if you have other code that should run some cleanup behavior when the component is
You can also use DestroyRef
to keep setup code close to cleanup code, rather than putting
all cleanup code in the ngOnDestroy
The ngDoCheck
method runs before every time Angular checks a component's template for changes.
You can use this lifecycle hook to manually check for state changes outside of Angular's normal change detection, manually updating the component's state.
This method runs very frequently and can significantly impact your page's performance. Avoid defining this hook whenever possible, only using it when you have no alternative.
During initialization, the first ngDoCheck
runs after ngOnInit
The ngAfterContentInit
method runs once after all the children nested inside the component (its
content) have been initialized.
You can use this lifecycle hook to read the results of content queries. While you can access the initialized state of these queries, attempting to change any state in this method results in an ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError
The ngAfterContentChecked
method runs every time the children nested inside the component (its
content) have been checked for changes.
This method runs very frequently and can significantly impact your page's performance. Avoid defining this hook whenever possible, only using it when you have no alternative.
While you can access the updated state of content queries here, attempting to change any state in this method results in an ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError.
The ngAfterViewInit
method runs once after all the children in the component's template (its
view) have been initialized.
You can use this lifecycle hook to read the results of view queries. While you can access the initialized state of these queries, attempting to change any state in this method results in an ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError
The ngAfterViewChecked
method runs every time the children in the component's template (its
view) have been checked for changes.
This method runs very frequently and can significantly impact your page's performance. Avoid defining this hook whenever possible, only using it when you have no alternative.
While you can access the updated state of view queries here, attempting to change any state in this method results in an ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError.
afterRender and afterNextRender
The afterRender
and afterNextRender
functions let you register a render callback to be
invoked after Angular has finished rendering all components on the page into the DOM.
These functions are different from the other lifecycle hooks described in this guide. Rather than a class method, they are standalone functions that accept a callback. The execution of render callbacks are not tied to any specific component instance, but instead an application-wide hook.
and afterNextRender
must be called in
an injection context, typically a
component's constructor.
You can use render callbacks to perform manual DOM operations. See Using DOM APIs for guidance on working with the DOM in Angular.
Render callbacks do not run during server-side rendering or during build-time pre-rendering.
afterRender phases
When using afterRender
or afterNextRender
, you can optionally split the work into phases. The
phase gives you control over the sequencing of DOM operations, letting you sequence write
operations before read operations in order to minimize
layout thrashing. In order to
communicate across phases, a phase function may return a result value that can be accessed in the
next phase.
import {Component, ElementRef, afterNextRender} from '@angular/core';@Component({...})export class UserProfile { private prevPadding = 0; private elementHeight = 0; constructor(elementRef: ElementRef) { const nativeElement = elementRef.nativeElement; afterNextRender({ // Use the `Write` phase to write to a geometric property. write: () => { const padding = computePadding(); const changed = padding !== this.prevPadding; if (changed) { nativeElement.style.padding = padding; } return changed; // Communicate whether anything changed to the read phase. }, // Use the `Read` phase to read geometric properties after all writes have occurred. read: (didWrite) => { if (didWrite) { this.elementHeight = nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect().height; } } }); }}
There are four phases, run in the following order:
Phase | Description |
earlyRead |
Use this phase to read any layout-affecting DOM properties and styles that are strictly necessary for subsequent calculation. Avoid this phase if possible, preferring the write and read phases. |
mixedReadWrite |
Default phase. Use for any operations need to both read and write layout-affecting properties and styles. Avoid this phase if possible, preferring the explicit write and read phases. |
write |
Use this phase to write layout-affecting DOM properties and styles. |
read |
Use this phase to read any layout-affecting DOM properties. |
Lifecycle interfaces
Angular provides a TypeScript interface for each lifecycle method. You can optionally import
and implement
these interfaces to ensure that your implementation does not have any typos or
Each interface has the same name as the corresponding method without the ng
prefix. For example,
the interface for ngOnInit
is OnInit
@Component({ /* ... */})export class UserProfile implements OnInit { ngOnInit() { /* ... */ }}
Execution order
The following diagrams show the execution order of Angular's lifecycle hooks.
During initialization
Subsequent updates
Ordering with directives
When you put one or more directives on the same element as a component, either in a template or with
the hostDirectives
property, the framework does not guarantee any ordering of a given lifecycle
hook between the component and the directives on a single element. Never depend on an observed
ordering, as this may change in later versions of Angular.