Composing Components

You've learned to update the component template, component logic, and component styles, but how do you use a component in your application?

The selector property of the component configuration gives you a name to use when referencing the component in another template. You use the selector like an HTML tag, for example app-user would be <app-user /> in the template.

In this activity, you'll learn how to compose components.

In this example, there are two components UserComponent and AppComponent.

  1. Add a reference to UserComponent

    Update the AppComponent template to include a reference to the UserComponent which uses the selector app-user. Be sure to add UserComponent to the imports array of AppComponent, this makes it available for use in the AppComponent template.

    template: `<app-user />`,imports: [UserComponent]

    The component now displays the message Username: youngTech. You can update the template code to include more markup.

  2. Add more markup

    Because you can use any HTML markup that you want in a template, try updating the template for AppComponent to also include more HTML elements. This example will add a <section> element as the parent of the <app-user> element.

    template: `<section><app-user /></section>`,

You can use as much HTML markup and as many components as you need to bring your app idea to reality. You can even have multiple copies of your component on the same page.

That's a great segue, how would you conditionally show a component based on data? Head to the next section to find out.