
Pipes are functions that are used to transform data in templates. In general, pipes are "pure" functions that don't cause side effects. Angular has a number of helpful built-in pipes you can import and use in your components. You can also create a custom pipe.

In this activity, you will import a pipe and use it in the template.

To use a pipe in a template include it in an interpolated expression. Check out this example:

import {UpperCasePipe} from '@angular/common';@Component({    ...    template: `{{ loudMessage | uppercase }}`,    imports: [UpperCasePipe],})class AppComponent {    loudMessage = 'we think you are doing great!'}

Now, it's your turn to give this a try:

  1. Import the LowerCase pipe

    First, update app.component.ts by adding the file level import for LowerCasePipe from @angular/common.

    import { LowerCasePipe } from '@angular/common';
  2. Add the pipe to the template imports

    Next, update @Component() decorator imports to include a reference to LowerCasePipe

    @Component({    ...    imports: [LowerCasePipe]})
  3. Add the pipe to the template

    Finally, in app.component.ts update the template to include the lowercase pipe:

    template: `{{username | lowercase }}`

Pipes can also accept parameters which can be used to configure their output. Find out more in the next activity.

P.S. you are doing great ⭐️