Updating the Component Class

In Angular, the component's logic and behavior are defined in the component's TypeScript class.

In this activity, you'll learn how to update the component class and how to use interpolation.

  1. Add a property called city

    Update the component class by adding a property called city to the AppComponent class.

    export class AppComponent {  city = 'San Francisco';}

    The city property is of type string but you can omit the type because of type inference in TypeScript. The city property can be used in the AppComponent class and can be referenced in the component template.

    To use a class property in a template, you have to use the {{ }} syntax.

  2. Update the component template

    Update the template property to match the following HTML:

    template: `Hello {{ city }}`,

    This is an example of interpolation and is a part of Angular template syntax. It enables you to do much more than put dynamic text in a template. You can also use this syntax to call functions, write expressions and more.

  3. More practice with interpolation

    Try this - add another set of {{ }} with the contents being 1 + 1:

    template: `Hello {{ city }}, {{ 1 + 1 }}`,

    Angular evaluates the contents of the {{ }} and renders the output in the template.

This is just the beginning of what's possible with Angular templates, keep on learning to find out more.