@loading, @error and @placeholder blocks

Deferrable views let you define content to be shown in different loading states.

@placeholder By default, defer blocks do not render any content before they are triggered. The @placeholder is an optional block that declares content to show before the deferred content loads. Angular replaces the placeholder with the deferred content after loading completes. While this block is optional, the Angular team recommends always including a placeholder. Learn more in the full deferrable views documentation
@loading This optional block allows you to declare content to be shown during the loading of any deferred dependencies.
@error This block allows you to declare content which is shown if deferred loading fails.

The contents of all the above sub-blocks are eagerly loaded. Additionally, some features require a @placeholder block.

In this activity, you'll learn how to use the @loading, @error and @placeholder blocks to manage the states of deferrable views.

  1. Add @placeholder block

    In your app.component.ts, add a @placeholder block to the @defer block.

    @defer {  <article-comments />} @placeholder {  <p>Placeholder for comments</p>}
  2. Configure the @placeholder block

    The @placeholder block accepts an optional parameter to specify the minimum amount of time that this placeholder should be shown. This minimum parameter is specified in time increments of milliseconds (ms) or seconds (s). This parameter exists to prevent fast flickering of placeholder content in the case that the deferred dependencies are fetched quickly.

    @defer {  <article-comments />} @placeholder (minimum 1s) {  <p>Placeholder for comments</p>}
  3. Add @loading block

    Next add a @loading block to the component template.

    The @loading block accepts two optional parameters:

    • minimum: the amount of time that this block should be shown
    • after: the amount of time to wait after loading begins before showing the loading template

    Both parameters are specified in time increments of milliseconds (ms) or seconds (s).

    Update app.component.ts to include a @loading block with a minimum parameter of 1s as well as an after parameter with the value 500ms to the @loading block.

    @defer {  <article-comments />} @placeholder (minimum 1s) {  <p>Placeholder for comments</p>} @loading (minimum 1s; after 500ms) {  <p>Loading comments...</p>}

    Note: this example uses two parameters, separated by the ; character.

  4. Add @error block

    Finally, add an @error block to the @defer block.

    @defer {  <article-comments />} @placeholder (minimum 1s) {  <p>Placeholder for comments</p>} @loading (minimum 1s; after 500ms) {  <p>Loading comments...</p>} @error {  <p>Failed to load comments</p>}

Congratulations! At this point, you have a good understanding about deferrable views. Keep up the great work and let's learn about triggers next.