Validating forms

Another common scenario when working with forms is the need to validate the inputs to ensure the correct data is submitted.

In this activity, you'll learn how to validate forms with reactive forms.

  1. Import Validators

    Angular provides a set of validation tools. To use them, first update the component to import Validators from @angular/forms.

    import {ReactiveFormsModule, Validators} from '@angular/forms';@Component({...})export class AppComponent {}
  2. Add validation to form

    Every FormControl can be passed the Validators you want to use for validating the FormControl values. For example, if you want to make the name field in profileForm required then use Validators.required. For the email field in our Angular form, we want to ensure it's not left empty and follows a valid email address structure. We can achieve this by combining the Validators.required and validators in an array. Update the name and email FormControl:

    profileForm = new FormGroup({  name: new FormControl('', Validators.required),  email: new FormControl('', [Validators.required,]),});
  3. Check form validation in template

    To determine if a form is valid, the FormGroup class has a valid property. You can use this property to dynamically bind attributes. Update the submit button to be enabled based on the validity of the form.

    <button type="submit" [disabled]="!profileForm.valid">Submit</button>

You now know the basics around how validation works with reactive forms.

Great job learning these core concepts of working with forms in Angular. If you want to learn more, be sure to refer to the Angular forms documentation.